Tuesday, July 1, 2008

With apologies to Samuel Johnson

God only knows what the great Samuel Johnson would think of having a blog named after a single ejaculation he made in 1754. Perhaps he would be flattered. Or he might consider blogging a tool of the devil, which of course it is.

Boswell's LIFE OF DOCTOR JOHNSON tells the story:

"As we returned to Oxford in the evening, I out-walked Johnson, and he cried out Sufflamina, a Latin word, which came from his mouth with peculiar grace, and was as much as to say, Put on your drag chain."

The person quoted above is a Mr. Wise, one of the many people from whom Boswell gathered anecdotes to compile his magisterial biography of Samuel Johnson.

Note that the word Sufflamina was uttered by Johnson "with peculiar grace."

My unabridged Oxford English Dictionary has no entry for Sufflamina. Not surprising, as this Latin word is even more obscure today than it was in 1754, and would not have acquired the kind of common usage, even among scholars, to be included in an English dictionary.

And before someone asks the obvious question: no, the word does not appear in my copy of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, though I suffer, as most do, with a severely abridged version of the great man's lexicographical triumph. It would be interesting to know if the word appears in Johnson's unabridged dictionary. I used to own a copy, from the 18th century, but stupid rare book dealer that I was, I sold it.

The only other published use of the word Sufflamina, as far as I can tell, comes from the 14th chapter of The Antiquary, by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1816.

“Pardon me, young man,” said Oldbuck, laying his hand kindly on his shoulder, and making a full halt—”sufflamina—a little patience, if you please."

It appears that Johnson was the first to attempt to introduce Sufflamina into public discourse. Or should the credit go to Boswell? In any event, I shall make a weary attempt with this blog to reintroduce the word to the 21st century. A modest, but worthy, goal, do you not agree?

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